
Blah blah blah blah

There is a sad but true one-liner about folks who engage in the power struggle euphemistically named public service.

How do you know when a politician is lying? His/her lips are moving.

These people are not involved in any sort of activity designed to make life easier for the common man, even when they earnestly believe with all of their heart and soul that they are.

The heart and soul are freed when the harness and reins are removed. Government exists to restrict freedom. It has no other function. That's why it's called governance, from the Latin to direct, to rule, to guide.

They do not trust you to live your own life responsibly and free. Oh, perhaps they do trust you personally - but those other people, who need help from above to rule their lives - those other people are why we must have ever-increasing, ever-intrusive government.

Their idea of freedom is most people's idea of slavery.

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