
Here we go again: The drumbeats of war

I am always amused by the silence that overtakes "anti-war" activists when a member of the Democrat wing of the State Party is holding the executive branch. When a Democrat sends good American lads and lasses to sacrifices their lives, limbs and minds to the cause of the state, it's not nearly as egregious as when a Republican does.

And so here we are, rattling the sabers again while squirrels who have never tasted life in a combat zone chatter on the sidelines. The next time a member of the Republican wing of the State Party wages an undeclared-by-Congress-and-therefore-illegal war, the chipmunks of the Democrat wing will regain their voices, but this is not that time.

Are the pending incursion into the Ukraine and whatever subsequent response by the United Nations/States part of what Barack Obama meant when he famously told Valdimir Putin that he'll have "more flexibility" after the election? The two state leaders reportedly talked on the phone for 90 minutes the other day; the official transcripts suggests it was a long exercise in saber-rattling, but of course the officials transcripts would.

It's hard to sustain "You're being an idiot/I know you are, but what am I?" for more than a minute or two. That's not how you spend an hour and a half. You spend 90 minutes with someone making plans, setting goals, or talking about your fantasy football teams. I'm guessing the conversation was about the scenario for the next few days, weeks, months and perhaps years.

Some wag back in the 1960s asked, "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" We're still waiting for the answer.

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